How Indonesia People are able to compete in the MEA

Culture through acculturation has been done for a very long time in the southeast Asia. Globalization is accelerating and expanding the cultural contacts between one country and another. Creative industries choose creative strategies in the face of the MEA. Because, creative products, mainly electronics, are the easiest to distribute all around. Indonesia, with its massive population in the  Southeast Asia can become a market that allows potential for a creative marketing global product. Then, how can the Indonesian society be able to compete in the MEA

Indonesia must prepare skilled manpower and creative and professionals to compete in the MEA. Because Indonesia will be the host and a player in the foreign markets. The government should also improve infrastructures and fix the accessibility gap between regions. So that the high cost economy can be suppressed. And every province in Indonesia also has a potential in tourism that can be developed either through co-management or investment.

Every province could create its own attraction in terms of tourist food and music, this can affect the income and foreign exchange, indonesia has many provinces and culture, the sample., bali, the beach resort of bali and the beauty of her has its own attraction for turism abroad, as we know that Bali is a paradise of tourist attractions such as diving under the sea. This can affect pendatan and foreign exchange in the better.

So, indonesia can take advantage of natural resources tourism as an attraction to create the image that indonesia can compete in the mea.


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